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ASC (eng)

The concept of ASC (English Version)

Historically, from the 12th through the 14th century, artists were organized into corporations or guilds, and respected as professionals in their respective field. The services proposed by ASC are in line with the re-emergence of a professionalization cycle of the arts.                                                                                                  

art in social context  |  ASC

is a virtual meeting place with tools to find a team, resources, to develop, coordinate, planify, and produce temporary installations.  
The idea is to create an active and synergetic triangular interface regrouping:

1. creators and conceptors

2. human and material resources

3. private and public partners and sponsors.

People select a project according to their coompetences and interests and sign in to participate. Donors and barters offer resources and services. Participants receive the equivalence of their contribution in the form of “financial titles”which will yield a profit at the end of the project.

ASC vision  |  

1. to gather the resources to produce temporary installations

2. to facilitate artistic expression and promote new talents

3. to offer art lovers opportunities to participate in creative endeavours.

ASC is for  |  

1. artists looking for means and opportunities to create

2. craftsmen and human resources ready to activate their competences

3. art lovers, private and public funds looking for investment opportunities.


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Posted by monique kuffer at 18.09.2008 10:18
This text is open to constructive comments